
Hi. I am Priya Arun, a doting mother to a 6 year old and a corporate professional turned homemaker. I have always been very passionate about cooking and trying out new recipes to cater to my family’s varied palate. I started cooking in my teens and have had quite a few disasters in the kitchen, which only strengthened my resolve to improve myself. After marriage, the food connection only intensified and today my dear husband is my biggest supporter and critic.

Food, I believe, is a great medium to bond with people and a great conversation starter. For me, cooking and baking are very therapeutic. This blog is my effort to chronicle my experiences as I try new delights in my kitchen.

The recipes posted on my blog have been tried in my kitchen and tasted in my home. My endeavour is to create simple, quick, nutritious vegetarian recipes using easily available ingredients. My blog is dedicated to my family and my mother who has always been inspirational especially in case of authentic Iyer recipes.


1) Please note that all data and images are owned by the writer and must not be copied or shared without written permission.

2)While I look forward to your feedback and comments, please try and keep the comments positive and refrain from posting anything rude or offensive or derogatory. Such comments will be promptly deleted by me.



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