
On a busy day, we yearn to finish cooking quickly yet provide our family a healthy and wholesome meal. This is my go-to dish for one of those days. Simple and fast to cook with minimum prep work and delicious to eat !!

Prep Time                 :   40 minutes (including 30 minutes of Marination)

Cooking Time           :    25 minutes approx

Ingredients              :               

200 gms Paneer (cubed)

2 big Capsicums (chopped into squares like the Paneer)

2 firm Tomatoes (chopped into squares like the Paneer)

2 Onions (chopped into squares like the Paneer)

2 – 3 Garlic Cloves (crushed)

3 tbsps Curd

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

1 ½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

1 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Cumin Powder

1 tsp Kitchen King Powder

Salt to taste   

2 tbsps Oil

2 tbsp Coriander leaves (finely chopped)

Method                :

  • In a big bowl, add all the ingredients except Oil and Coriander Leaves. Mix well with light hands so that the Paneer and the vegetables are coated well with the Curd and spices.
  • Leave aside for atleast 30 minutes so that the Paneer and vegetables absorb the flavours well. You can leave them overnite in the refrigerator too.
  • After 30 minutes, heat oil in a pan. Add the vegetables and Paneer mix into the oil and cook without covering the pan on a medium to high flame till all the vegetables are cooked and coated well with the spices.
  • Garnish with finely chopped Coriander leaves and serve hot with Naan, Paranthas, Rotis or Phulkas.
  • We sometimes use the leftover sabzi with Rotis to make a Paneer Pizza too 🙂